Thursday, June 11, 2009

Braves Game

We had a great day at the park. Ma and Pa met us there. Braves lost 3-1. I told Matthew it was like my childhood when they never won. Long day, too much driving, but always worth it when you do it for your kids. In the 13 hours with Matthew I answered hundreds of questions, most were baseball related. I felt like I did pretty well, until on the way home Matthew asked me, "why where there so many spa on this interstate? "... they grow up so fast...enjoy them...does this mean I am old?
Like the sign says behind us, This mother and son always, "brings the heat."
Future Braves Player

Our 3G network.

Those are the eyes of a future homerun hitter.

Matthew and Daddy, in front of Daddy's hero #3 Dale Murphy.

1 comment:

Adam and Sariah said...

I love all of the pictures you have been posting lately. It must be summer there! From water guns to baseball games, what more could you want? It looks like you are all having plenty of fun without us. Love to you all. ~Sariah :)