Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SeaWorld 2010

Proof we were there kids, look there are smile on your faces.
The kids enjoyed the rides on the second day we went.Rita's face on both rides are the reason this shots made the blog.All the boys on a Polar Bear.Checking out the Mantas

Zac swimming with the dolphins
Zac with a boost for his brother.

Joshua and Rita at the cargo nets, what you can not tell is that we are four stories of the ground and the parents are out of breath.
Just a good photo of the boys.
The boys posing with an octopus
Greg petting a ray.
Rita kiss a eel.Overall, we had fun and enjoyed ourselves. It was Joshua first trip to Seaworld and he loved saying all the names as much as seeing them. The whole way down he wanted to see the orcas. A three year old saying orcas just makes me smile. I believe his favorite was the penguins, we had to do that ride a number of times both days. The day before we got there a baby orca was born, Matthew would tell you it was the 24th to be born in capatitivy and 16th in Orlando, sometimes he knows to much. All in all a successful trip.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

I want to go to Sea World! And Universal Studios...but need the girls to be a little taller for there. Have fun in your new truck! Is anyone allowed to eat in it?